Table Of Contents

Have you ever felt that you have to rush and go indoors instead of enjoying the beautiful breezy outdoors during late evenings just because it is dark and you don’t have sufficient lighting?
Our clients in this project love to entertain, so we wanted to enhancing the mood and at the same time realy creat an impact.
To achieve this we used low intensity strip lighting under the wall capping and the steps to provide a low glow to the grassed area. This allowed the lawn area to be sufficiently illuminated when holding larger functions.
Garden spike lights were then used to highlight the beautiful low maintenance planting around the area.
Behind the pool the low intensity strip lighting was used to light up the Q Design "Reeds of Ungaro" feature screen.
Around the perimeter of the garden modern wall lights were used to provide ambient light. A mix of up/down and fixed down provided subtly different effects but kept consistency. All of the wall lights are powered by 6W COB LED's allowing the garden lights to be used any time guilt free!
While there is a lot of light here - the effect is magic.