Table Of Contents
So you've realised how amazing your garden will look with outdoor lighting but confused on which products to use to get the best look? Well hopefully we can shed some light with this easy to use guide which covers a range of plants that we commonly light with our high quality fittings. If there is something you think we should add to this list please let us know!

These 3 LED path lights provide a lovely downward wash of light into a garden. Although they are most commonly used along pathways, the foliage that they highlight along the path will soften the mood and add plenty of interest. Click on the links above to see more detail or give us a call.
- Groundcovers
- Succulents
- Box hedges
- Grasses
TREES & PLANTS up to 2.7mtrs - FIREFLY 3Watt UPLIGHT
The Firefly garden uplights are by far our most popular fitting due to their versatility and compact modern design. Highlight anything from water features, low plants or trees, laser cut screens or sculptures. Some trees or features benefit from using a couple of these uplights positioned either side to capture more of the canopy or create depth without over lighting.
- Bamboo
- Ginko tree
- Japanese Maple - smaller varieties
- Yuccas
- Crepe Myrtle - small
- Prunus tree - small
- Ornamental Pear trees
- Magnolias
- Cycads
- Bird of Paradise / Stalitzia
- Tree ferns
- Ferns
- Espaliers e.g. Jasmine
- Hedging plants (soft highlighting) e.g. Viburnum Tinus, Lilly Pilly, Pittosporums
TREES up to 5mtrs - LOTUS 5W Uplight
The Lotus garden uplight is a great step up for a bit more impact or where you require a bit more spread of light to a canopy. The short body is very discreet in the garden, and like our Firefly and Willow spike lights you also have the option of adding in an extension pole of 300mm or 600mm to raise above any underplanting.
- Forest Pansy
- Palm trees
- Pencil Pines
- Crepe Myrtles
- Hedging plants
- Wattles - smaller varieties
- Bamboo - taller varieties
- Birch trees
- Magnolias - larger trees

TREES up to 15mtrs - WILLOW 11.5W Uplight I KARRI 20W Spot Light
Large trees are commonly where people get the most lost with lighting. Its often a balance of a couple of lights, sometimes with various beam spreads that will achieve the right effect. Our Willow spike light is very compact for the punch it delivers and is most suitable for palm trees, jacarandas, willows, and gum trees.
- Gum trees
- Palm trees
- Jacaranda trees
- Willows